Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Finding your inner rhythm...

Well, I realised recently, that I was supposed to be blogging more regularly. So, I thought, I might as well try giving it some time today. I have been fiddling with a variety of topics for a few days now and tried to discern which one would be a stimulating enough topic to make me want to write, but I kept drawing a complete blank! (Not much has changed, but I came to the conclusion that to be stimulated enough to write a lot, I need to start by writing at least a little...to get the juices flowing and all that!)

So, yesterday, I finally overcame my extreme laziness, shot down all my excuses for the aforementioned laziness, and joined a gym! Now, I am not exactly the best example of dedication and determination! I literally needed an excuse, and a strong one at that, to make me start exercising. Obviously the obvious ones, like health, fitness et al was not going to work. That's when I saw the gym offered Zumba classes! That is what inspired me to go check it out, after hearing some pretty good things about it from one of my best friends, Ritu.

Verdict? It didn't disappoint. Maybe, that is because I love dancing. (I am not going into details here, but Google it! Zumba is basically a mix of dance and aerobics, in its simplest form) I have been dancing ever since I can remember. I started when I was all of three! I admit, I am not the best dancer I know. I know a truckload of people who dance a lot better than I do. But still, I keep at it. Not because practice makes perfect (oh, admittedly, it will help, but I am never going to be at the level I want to be at...Yes, I have extremely high expectations!) but because it makes me happy. I dance anywhere, almost; mostly when I am by myself. But even when I am surrounded by scores of people, my head can't help bobbing; my foot can't help tapping, when I hear a good song. The rhythm is a part of me, or so I like to believe.

Okay, non-dancers, don't stop reading. The blog isn't about dancing, I promise. It is more about this "rhythm" that I talk about. So, as I was saying, all this dancing I did yesterday got me thinking. Strange, but true. It got me thinking about what was it about dancing that made me so happy. I concluded, that when I danced I was at peace with myself. I didn't care if people were watching, what those people were thinking, or what I looked like while I danced. I was at peace with myself. Sound familiar? It probably does. Everyone has that ONE thing that puts them at peace with themselves. That one thing that makes you happy, makes you complete, makes you think you can do it for the rest of your life, makes all the other crap worthwhile. If you're lucky, you have more than just ONE thing. (For me, reading gives me the same feeling. I can, and will, read for the rest of my life.) And I realised how important it is to have that one activity in your life, just for the sheer joy it brings to you.

What is fascinating is how it differs from person to person...I know people who are happiest when they play a certain instrument, when they code (yes, believe it), when they cook, when they paint, when they play a certain sport...one of my best friends is happiest when she talks! (No, although that sounds familiar, I am not talking about myself, do not be deceived!) Anyway, the point I was trying to make was that it is so important to find this "inner rhythm", as I like to all it, and once found to never let it go. Crazy as it seems, all of us know it to be true. It is what gets us through the toughest times and the darkest nights. Each string strummed, each page turned, each tune hummed ignites a small tiny flame in us to shield us from the cold. Which is why we should never forget what makes us happy. Although we don't realise it, it's possible to forget. (Okay, this is taking a philosophical turn that I never intended!)

On another similar note, it is also important to do what you love. Realists I know have argued about this with me, and I agree. As much as I wish it, I cannot just abandon what I am doing and what I have worked hard to achieve on a whim. If I had it my way, I'd be travelling the world right now...or would have been a journalist...(oh, or better yet, a travel journalist); not designing electrical circuits. But, I digress; that is a whole other can of worms! That said, it is also important to remember what you wish you could be doing and try and integrate at least a small part of it into your daily, mundane life. Opportunity to meander when you are on your career path will arise, whether you can or will take it, well, that is your call. (And, if you already are doing what you have always wanted to, Kudos! Tell me how to too, unless of course it is engineering...I know how to do THAT!)
But, regardless of all else, keep that spark alive! Tune yourself to that inner rhythm, and don't ever let it fade away...

PS: I STILL don't have a name for my blog
PPS: Yes, i DO love PS's. :-) (Oh, Also, thank you Prasad for being my only follower :-))


  1. haha.. you are welcome..always a fan... glad you found zumba... me gonna have to give up biking soon... :( so far baby is beating the snow quite well... \m/

  2. zumba is awesome.. i went to the zumba sessions a couple of times here.. boy, its fun \m/

  3. zumba at first sounded like one of those dances done by almost-naked-African-amazon-tribes :D
    loved the line where you proclaimed that you love to read and will read for the rest of your life. :)
